Smart Search

Manipulating search feature smarter. Providing users to get results with related with search and access all detail in app via search field quickly.

Using this feature, all passengers can access all contents as their flights, guides or tools based contents and other useful contents easily. This smart search field will be fine located in the application. When user will type any text at this search field, it will display autocomplete results. These autocomplete fields will be updated daily based on flight information and server based keyboards. User can select autocomplete fields from the list and directly access the most-popular search result. If user can not find any related autocomplete for his search, he can click search button and see results under search bar. All results will be categorized; flight information, info content, augment reality, external link results in this page. It will just list default count’ content per category and user can click “load more” button under the selected category. If user tries to search any content and could not list any results, it will display the closer results according the search text. Also this search will be saved at server side and will be analyzed for next generation of smart search tool. The key words defined on the server side will be updated to provide the most precise search results based on the historic search and user selection data. If it is determined that users are searching for words not included in the key words list, they will be added based on the results of analysis.